วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Movie Review

Flash of Genius

The story began with a large family, the Kearns. Robert Kearns, who is a university professor and an inventor. He just had been created a new invention for the car, a first automatic rain wiper in the world. He installed his new creation on his car and drive his car to show a new rain wiper to his friends. Later his freind suggested him to present this wonderful creation to Engineers of Ford Motor company. Ford's engineers were very appreciate to Kearns' rain wiper. Then they have made a deal with Kearns to produce this automatic rain wiper for Ford company. Kearns and his friend were very happy, because they thought they must be very rich.

Time passed, and nobody from Ford contacted to him. Kearns just found out that Ford company cheated him. They installed an automatic rain wiper, which is the idea of Kearns, on the lastest model of Ford Mustang without giving his credit or payment. Kearns was very angried at Ford. This was the beginning of the legal battle between Kearns and Ford company. Kearns lost everythings in his life. His wife, Phyllis left him because she think Kearns was very obsessed in the case ,and he didn't take a good care his family.
Ten years later, Kearns lived alone in his house, he spent his ten years in studying law and prepared the information to plead Ford. He didn't hire a lawyer. He conduct the case with himself, his son was his assistance. Finally, Kearns won the case. The court judged Ford company have to pay 10 millions dollars to Kearns.
There are 800 hundred millions of cars around the world, and all of them use Kearns's automatic rain wiper. We owed so much to Kearns.

